thank you for being here

It was the morning of February 2020 and I had woken up feeling depressed, anxious, and burnt out. These feelings had been brewing under the surface for years but I was able to push them away and "achieve" through it. This morning was different. I couldn't get out of bed. My exhaustion finally caught up to me. I had no choice but to surrender.

As a serial entrepreneur with multiple businesses and tons of education under my belt I still felt like I wasn't good enough. I felt like an imposter. Maybe the answer was more schooling? If I just take this business course I will feel more confident. Right?

I was at the height of my career, living in a beautiful loft in gastown Vancouver, making the most money I had ever made. I had it all so I could not understand why I was struggling with my mental health. I was supposed to be happy when I reached this goal.

I decided enough was enough and that I needed help. The more I achieved the emptier I felt. I was alone, anxious, and desperate for change. I knew there had to be more for my life.

This led me on a quest to understand myself and why I felt this way. I started to google local therapists and a school popped up to become a counsellor. My entrepreneurial/high achiever mind thought I could learn the tools and be in therapy everyday with other like minded people. 3 weeks later I was enrolled and on my way to become a professional counsellor.

My program taught me how to authentically connect and listen to myself by challenging all that I knew. I challenged my beliefs, assumptions, and thoughts. I started to shift my paradigm and began to feel more in charge. I stopped people pleasing and learned how to set boundaries in all areas of my life. I began to take care of my physical, mental , and spiritual health. I started to understand that achieving and perfectionism was not tied to my self worth. I was beginning to validate myself internally. It is hard to put into words the transformation I felt inside as my whole reality started to change. I was having more meaningful connections with my friends, work colleagues, and family. I was balancing work and life with intention. I started to feel spaciousness and was no longer burnout. I was feeling confident and I stopped second guessing myself. I understood my gifts and was clear on what I wanted in my life (not what others wanted for me). Most of all I was able to understand where my negative self talk was coming from and how it was blocking me from what I wanted. I was able to let go of my past stories, sabotaging behaviour, and false beliefs I had about myself that was keeping me stuck in the same patterns.

Today I feel empowered in my life. I am clear on what I want. I understand what is for me and what isn't. I have solid boundaries and I live from a place of high self worth. I have been able to manifest incredible people and opportunities into my life thanks to the space I gave myself to dig deep. I am now a conscious achiever!

My Approach


I use a combination of CBT, narrative, parts therapy, mindfulness, somatic experiencing, chakra toning, visualization, and law of attraction techniques



School: Rhodes Wellness College ~ Professional Counsellor, Certified Wellness Counsellor + Life Coach

Trauma, Sexual abuse, Somatic, Addictions, Couples, Family, Employment, and Client-Centered therapy informed.

Holistic Modalities: Meditation, breathwork, chakra toning, movement, somatic experiencing, journaling, narrative therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, dialectal behavioral therapy.

Life experience: I have been a female entrepreneur for the past 10 years. I fully understand the highs + lows of business, balance, and mental health.

Fun fact: I grew up on a farm and loveeeee animals🐮🦆🦋🐞🐖🦙🐱

I also have a love for interior design, travel, and learning📚